On the Record by Leadpages
Cheryl Muir shares her journey from corporate public relations to becoming a relationship whisperer, the tools she uses to market her coaching business, and a mindset shift to pricing your programs and services at a higher rate.

For transcripts, show notes, and more, go to Leadpages.com/podcast 

Cheryl delivers “Love Bites” videos to her community at CherylMuir.com, where she provides programs and private coaching to women ready for an empowered relationship. 

Top Takeaways
  • Know your worth. Know the value of what you bring to the table, both in terms of the experience you bring to the table and the results you’re helping your clients achieve. 
  • Reach out and connect with someone. When it comes to increasing your exposure, pitch to as many people as possible through their online contact information and social networks. 
  • Put in the work. You've got to work hard. You've got to be really focused and aligned to your why. 
  • Hustle with boundaries. To be fully present in your work with clients, create routines that allow you to turn off work-mode so you can recharge.
  • Turn up awareness. Read books, listen to podcasts, and take on experiences that help you tune in to what matters most to you. 
Direct download: TLG019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am EDT

Cindy Schulson shares how to market from the heart instead of relying on hype, the marketing strategy she prefers for the biggest impact, and what it takes to stand out from the crowd.

For transcripts, show notes, and more, go to Leadpages.com/podcast 

Cindy is the founder of MarketingFromWithin.com, which trains coaches on how to clarify, share, and monetize their core message in their business.  

Top Takeaways
  • It’s never one and done. Our business, our niche, our message continue to evolve and refine themselves. 
  • Market with heart instead of hype. Honor yourself and the people that you're here to help instead of operating from a place of manipulation.
  • Build on your successes. Leverage your experience and strengths in your business, and align it in a way that you're passionate about. 
  • Check your ego at the door. If you don’t like your voice or image on the screen, focus on the people that we're here to serve, and you’ll get over that hump.
  • Learn by listening. Sometimes the best education is not in books or podcasts, but simply in listening to what your ideal customers are saying. 
Direct download: TLG018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am EDT

Phil Adair shares a mental trick for overcoming self-doubt, how he persevered imperfectly through an unimaginable tragedy and the tools he uses to create and market his content.

For transcripts, show notes, and more, go to Leadpages.com/podcast 

Phil is the founder of PhilAdairTraining.com, an online resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and digital marketers. Originally from New Zealand, Phil now calls Sydney, Australia home. 

Top Takeaways
  1. There’s no such thing as an overnight success. Attaining success doesn’t appear overnight, it makes many years and hard work to achieve.
  2. Transitions are never timely. When tragedy or hard times strike will you take a step back or dive into your work? It's your choice.
  3. Never stop learning. Take advantage of as many tools, podcasts, books, etc., as possible. The more you learn the more you’ll understand where you want to go and what you want to do in your business.
  4. Don't sit on the sidelines. Be a professional. Dive in. Do it!
Direct download: TLG017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am EDT

Lacy Beatley shares how she went from side hustle to digital marketing agency owner, the challenges of growing a business out of an RV, and a clever lead generation strategy that gets her great clients. 

For transcripts, show notes, and more, go to Leadpages.com/podcast 

Lacy is the founder of Jungle Cat Marketing, a website marketing company specializing in landing page design. She’s also a former member of the Leadpages customer support team who took the leap into entrepreneurship two years ago and is now living her dream RV lifestyle with her wife in Rockaway Beach, Oregon. 

Top Takeaways
  1. Follow your gut. Trust your instincts and do what you love – don’t let other people’s opinions hold you back.
  2. Don’t let your perceived limits define you. Starting a business and being an entrepreneur can be challenging, that’s why it’s so crucial to reach out and ask for help when you need it. 
  3. Be seen online. Local brick-and-mortar stores in tourist areas can no longer rely on foot traffic alone to drive up business.
  4. Know the value you bring to your clients – and charge appropriately. Charging what you're worth allows you to take the space that you need to deliver the professionalism that you know you can.
  5. Meet them where they're at. If your clients aren't savvy online users, consider an in-person approach to your sales cycle. 
Direct download: TLG016.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am EDT